something you need?
something that's in your way?
are they helping hands, or something that holds you back?
partners to converse with, or fight with?
are they irreplaceable, or for one to use in times of need?
friends...are they necessary??
just finished watchin' japanese drama "DEAR FRIENDS"...citer ni kind of sad story sbb ak agak nk mnitiskan air mata bile tgk citer ni.. this movee is about a young girl, RINA yg ada everytim' that a girl syg, dlm hdup die takder pon istilah "FRIENDS"..die ni consider seorang yg proud of what she have smpaikan die brani hina orang laen..smpailah one day, she collapse mse mnari kat club and noe dat she has cancer.. mse dlm tmpoh rwatan, die meet someone, MAKI yg jgak psakit kat hospital tu and through Maki, Rina ni dpt phm mksd sbnr prkataan "FRIENDS" yg slama ni die x pnh nak tau... klu nk tau citer yang lbih lanjut tgk sndiri la yer...linknyer --->
ap yg aku dpt mlalui citer ni ad 3 bnde...
1 ---> "beauty" adalah anugerah, bukan untuk dibanggakan, tp untuk disyukuri..kerana apa
yg kita ada bukan totally milik kita.."beauty" will fade as time goes by..tak pun it
will fade sbb illness, or others.. so, pndai2 lah jga apa yang tlh dianugerahkan kpd
kita..jgn trlalu bngga bila kita lbih pd org laen...
2 ---> "friends" are necesarry in life..tak ada sorang pon dlm dunia ni yg blh hdup tnpa kwn..everyone needs friends..once, bila kita jmpa dgn someone yg kita pggil "TRUE FRIEND"..treasure them as the best things that ever happen in our life sbb bkn sng
nak cri true friends ni..a good friend will accept us for who we are...
3 ---> "men"..wlaupun bkan all of them..mrk nkkan ksempurnaan...sesetengah dorang xleh
nk trima klemahan or kekurangan someone..sbg cntoh, klu dulunya die ni lawa giler
and perfect...bkn maen ag..."I LOVE YOU" tuh kirenyer ayt pmbuka bile
sidia ni dh ad lacking, mulalah judge yg bkan2 and the LOVE
(ini just pndangan pribadi).. tp ada jugak kaum adam yg baek hati budi..sedia trima buruk & baek someone..yg pnting, bile hati dh syg, trima jelah apa pun psl someone tuh..dh tuh plihan kite,kn?? based on citer ni, ak sedar betapa besarnyer dan kuatnyer pngaruh "kawan" nih...hinggakan "devil" pun blh berubah jd "angel"...
so, ap2 pon ak syukur sbb ak ad org yg dinamakn "FRIENDS" and ak nk katakan yg AKU SAYANG DORANG SANGAT2 sbb doranglah prkara yg pling baek yg pnh jd dlm hdup ak...
to all my friends ---> tq for willing to be my friends...tq for being there when i needed..tq for saying something funny when im upset..tq for giving hands and carry me up when i was down...tq everything for what you've done....
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