entry kali ni is about BIRTHDAY....bkn bDay aku but kenalan aku pnyer bDay and bukan ari ni pon...saje jer aku post awal2 b'cos once aku dah blik Machang msti aku xonline pnyer la..Real date bday nyer is klu xsilap aku 31 March tp sbb dah lama aku tak perah otak aku untuk ingat bDay owang ni so aku xbrapa nak igt la...hahaha...
not expecting dia untuk baca entry aku ni but...ntah lah aku rase cam nak post kat cni jer...mane la tau kot2 lps ni aku lupa lagi ke..hikhik~
kalau aku ada chance untuk meet dgn dia lagi, aku just nak wish "happy birthday to u" and sorry for everything..klau blh aku nak putar masa ke waktu dulu and chance everything..tapi aku tahu dia takkan mahu pnyerlah jumpa ngan aku ni sbb aku ni mmg jahat giler ngan dia...
"Your guard is up, and I know why
Because the last time you saw me
Is still burned in the back of your mind
You gave me roses, and I left them there to die"
lirik lahu Kakak Taylor Swift, Back to December ni mmg kena ngan apa jadi..."you gave me roses, and i left them there to die"..dia bagi aku bahagia but i left..hahah...KAU memang JAHAT la Ecah...
"And I go back to December (March) all the time
It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I go back to December (March), turn around and make it alright"
I go back to December (March) all the time
kejadian tuh jadi dalam bulan March..(kalau x slah la)..but now i'd realized what i had when you were mine...hahaha...ni lah owg kata "sesal dahulu pndapatan sesal kemudian apa pun tak dapat"
"Maybe this is wishful thinking
Probably mindless dreaming
But if we loved again, I swear I'd love you right
I'd go back in time and change it, but I can't
So if the chain is on your door, I understand"
yang ni lagi satu pemikiran yang tak masuk akal...sedar la Ecah...dia dah kata kat kau mcm2 dah but still ada lagi prasaan ni..perasaan ni just wishful thinking jer ni sbb aku tahu its impossible..tak nmpak jer CHAIN baek pnyer BESAR kat pintu hati dia tuh..cam ner la aku nk masuk, kan?? lagipun perasaan tuh dah tak de dah...skang ni just life hapilly while the guard is up...mnelah tau kot2 serangan balas dtg ke lps ni..heheh..
dia kata i dont deserve dia..mmg btol pon.. but for the first and last bDay dia ni jer yg aku blh bagi...A BIRTHDAY SONG...hope u enjoy..