
January 21, 2011

everything happen

spnjang ak xmnulis disini, byk bnde yg terjadi...byk bnde yang memberikan aku kekuatan, meyakinkan aku ttg bnyk perkara dan juga memberikan ak sesuatu yang xleh dibeli dimana2 iaitu...KENANGAN...antara apa yang smpat aku tulis dlm "Mr. Diary" ak hampir setiap mlm ialah ------>

rite now, ak tgh tnggu msa nk bersiap ke kls..Cam beselah
every thursday pkl 8.00 A.M ak ada kls dgn En.Goh utk subjek programming.."wondering how it'll be today?"..subjek ni agak ssh klu nk dbngingkn ngan subjek laen sbb kne byk praktikal and also kne gne imagination and logikal thinking utk solve the bg aku subjek ni sesuai utk org yg suke brangan...HAHAH...(juz kidding..) but, the best part is subjek ni xde final paper..hari brlalu and ak smakin melangkah kedepan..apa yg aku bekalkan utk perjalanan aku hanyalah diri ak tanpa ada sedikitpun "adds-on"..hahaha

14.01.2011 (pagi..)
ari ni ari jumaat , kitorang, which is my housemates brcadang nk gi piknik..its a
HOUSEMATE's DAY!!!!...hahah...kak chik(tasha) tak lama lg akan dapat kebahagian yg dia cari and ak bnr2 harap kebahagiaannya adalah kebahagiaan yang akan kekal selamanya sebab she deserves it..lps apa yang dia dh go through ak btol2 nk dia bahagia and tersenyum..angah(ejey) bahagia dengan kehidupannya kini and aku pon ikut happy dgn apa yg kedua "kakakku" miliki kini..

14.01.2011 (mlm)
bru lps balik dr piknik di
TOK BALI with my housemates..and rite now i'm really tired..the best thing happen is we all together..dh xde msm muka after pertelingkahan and perselisihan faham ari tu...yg ada hnyalah A HAPPY FACE!!!!...kitorang gi kat PANTAI BISIKAN BAYU..spent time kat citu snapped pic and so 0n..smbil2 tu mkn jagung bakar, satar( traditional food i guess yg dprbuatdr isi ikan+kelapa) and otak-otak(also a traditional food dr isi ikan yg dibakar dlam daun psang).lps tu kitorang cari the nearest masjid nk solat asar and then trus gi cri mkn o restaurant yg blh kitorang mlantak kat sana..but we end up pg psr mlm bli nasi bngkus and back to the pantai for makan mlam..HAHAHA..kitorag b'tolak balik dlm kul 8 lps solat mgrib and smpai umh dlm kul 9 ++ after sesat jalan dsb....hehehe..we really enjoying the day..well, diorang aku xtau tp ak...YES!! i'm enjoying it...

seronok bila tgk kak chik dpt balik kebahagiaan yg slama ni dia nantikan..
ALHAMDULILLAH..aku ikot senang and ikot bahagia dgn kebahagiaan itu..aku mndoakan yg terbaik utk mereka..smoga dia mmberikan apa yg spatutnya dia berikan dulu pada salah seorang insan yang menjadi kesayangan aku itu..

itulah antara luahan aku spnjang ak mnjalani hdup baru ak iaitu di rumah sewaku...byk bnde yg jadi and bnde tu jugaklah yg byk mengajar ak sesuatu..hoping that ak akan terus belajar untuk jalani hidup ak...INSYA ALLAH...

January 11, 2011

no one else

even though i am reborn a thousand more times
there will not be another one like you
the one who would warm up my sad life
i'm really grateful for that person
for that person, my heart could be hurt indefinitely
even though i can't tell that I LOVE YOU
the fact i'm able to look at you from far away
give you everything and love you
although i'm sad, i'm happy
there is no other love in this world
that could make my chest shiver with a such anticipation
i've buried so deep in my memories
my only love..
to someone like you
all the painful tears
i could endure it indefinitely
i don't want anything else except your laugh
with it, i'll be happy
because love is about giving everything
only about giving
so, although i'm sad, i'm happy..

no one else~morethanblue~

January 04, 2011

happy birthday

ari ni 2 of my beloved sist smbut brthday dorang....happy birthday to u...yg ke berapa xleh nk citer ar bcoz tkot dorang xpsl2 mgamuk ngan ak ktorang 1 umh decide nk celebrate smalam..tak nak bg dorang tau kitorang planning nk wat surprise smalam dgn bntuan our friend, CAPIX, ak n achik kuar pg bli apa yg ptut...agak pnt la gak sbb sblm tuh kitorang seme pg settle psl registration...lps blik, ptg tu pg bli mknan...hahah..but, it was worth it...huhuhu...

the best part is the birthday girl xtau mnahu pon psl party tuh..hahah...kitorang dera die tak bagi makan malam...sbnrnyer nk tggu smpai seme smpai bru nk stat...sori erk...

but, the worst part sorang ag birthday girl xleh nk join kitorang mlm tuh...agak trsentuh ati bile die xde..bkn apa, thn ni last year kitorang blh wat cam ni..nti dh xleh dah..kot2 msg2 nk ambik haluan sndiri...sape tau, apa2 pon HAPPY BIRTHDAY to ALONG...

i promise u that this is not the last..

kite akan still celebrate brthday eventhough kt mne pon kite...

promise is a promise....

the credits for yesterday goes to SU > IEDA > JA > CAPIX > AZMI > PIJAN..for comimg n for making this party happening...TQ SO MUCH...