apakah kejadian semalam adalah satu dugaan dari YANG MAHA KUASA untuk aku??
lps kelas en.farouk smalam, aku trus drive blik dr Machang ke KB.. punyelah pnt bcoz aku puasa..lps tuh aku trus pg Tesko..(cadangnyer nak pg KB Mall) tp memandangkan aku ni jnis yg x ttp pndirian, i'll change my mind last minutes..hahaha..
mase ak pg tuh xla bz sgt sbb ak pg tuh dlm kul 2++..msuk aje tesko, da first place ak pg is...solat zohor dlu sbb tkot xsmpat..(baek la konon)..lps tu aku pg kt ATM machine...hehhe..bkn nk draw duet ak, tp duet kakak aku..dia yg srh ak pg bli brg for her..lps tuh, aku pg ambik troli n mulakan prjalanan aku..
bli punyer bli..then tibalah masa utk ak byr..everythim went well stakat ni...lps tu aku trun mnuju ke parking lot..sblm tuh smpat la gak aku tgk2 kasut n i'll end up bought it..heheh...adalh tngginyer 5-6"..hahaha..mklumlah org rndah ni kna pkai ksut tnggi..
lps sttle everythim, aku memboloskan brg2 yg dibeli kt dlm boot kereta..slesai lps tuh aku pg la ltk troli blik n i'll drove home..time tuh mmg aku tak prasan ap2 pom..
but, mase aku singgah kat pasaraya sbb nk bli brg yg xde kat TESKO td, baru aku prasan my wallet's gone...mase tu aku boleh rse drh brhenti dr mgalir..panik, cuak, worried..seme ad..so, on da spot aku drove pg blik ke tesko dgn harapan wallet ak tuh ad lagi...
sesampainyer aku kat sane, aku tgk pkerja situ dh tolah troli msuk dlm..and without further a due ak trus tye die kot2 dia ad jmpe wallet ak..and he said NO!!!
OMG!!!mse tuh ak rse mcm nak mnjerit sekuat ati..adlh trkeluar ckit suara tu..actually agak kuat hingga ad yg mnoleh kt ak..mybe dorang pkir "gile ke aper?!"..hahaha..but i dont care!!!
die srh aku pg kt counter service and tye ctu kot2 ad yg baek ati pg bg blik wallet ak tuh..but, xde!!! i was very frustrated and very mad at myself hngga aku pg ketuk streng kete n hurting myself..kih3...
lps tuh..ak coll mama and she said to make a police report..so, ak pom pg la dgn muke yg mmg pnt giler2...tulah first time aku msuk balai polis..(knangan tuh)...
krtas report tu pns lagi and mase tuh my phone bunyi..someone called and bgtau yg die jumpe wallet ak n ask me to get it...YA ALLAH!!!! syukurnyer aku DIA ajer yg tahu..so, for da 6th time, aku pom pg la blik kat tesko tuh...n my wallet is in my hand again..hahaha...
to the guy who found my wallet, THANK YOU SO MUCH...
cnclusionnyer...next time klu ak nk pg mne2, i'll make sure yg ak akn bwk beg BESAR PUNYER and snggut kt atas blakang..(to prevent it from being lost again)...
ak smapai umh dlm kul 6.30pm n i told everyone about what happen...fuhhh!!! smalam mmg pnt la....
August 31, 2010
August 25, 2010
vanilla twilight...
The stars lean down to kiss you..
And I lie awake and miss you
Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere
‘Cause I’ll doze off safe
And soundly but I’ll miss your arms around me..
I’d sent a postcard to you dear..
Cause I wish you were here..
I’ll watch the night turn out blue..
But it’s not the same without you..
Because it takes two to whisper quietly..
The silence isn’t so bad..
Till I look at my hand and feel sad..
Cause the spaces between in my fingers are right where your hands fit perfectly..
I’ll find repose in new ways..
Though I haven’t slept in two days..
Cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone..
But drenched in vanilla twilight
Ill sit on the front porch all night
Waist deep in thought because when I think of you..
I don’t feel so alone..
As many times as I blink
I’ll think of you tonight..
When violet eyes get brighter..
And heavy wings grow lighter..
I’ll taste the sky and feel alive again..
And I will forget the world that I knew..
But I swear I wont forget you..
Oh, if my voice could reach back..
Through the past I’d whisper in your ears..
Oh darling I wish you were here..
There are times when tears come at night
Thinking back to all things we’ve sacrificed
Looking at how much we have grown
Praying day by day for health and happiness
We will always be together as one in our heart
Remember that we will always stand together
No matter what happens, so don’t be afraid if you fall down
Get up once again with us all behind you
You will soar with wings of the world
So many precious memories playing scene by scene
Before our eyes witnessing all that we have done
Always making step all together
With each passing day, we’ll always cheer ourselves
We will always be in our own heart
Bridge…we know that there may be times
That one of us would feel lost and don’t know what to do
You can just lean on us
We’ll give you hand and strength to carry on in this world
Tribute to all my friends….amiesya, arizan, amira, hasmira, izzati…..
dugaankah ini???
semalam was quite a busy and tiring day la..
aku and yg laen kne gi wak researh kt usm..
hajat dihati nak brtolak dari U pagi2 ag tp trpaksa aku membantutkan niat aku ni sbb aku ada URUSAN YANG BELUM SELESAI!!!
nak dijadikan cerita malam sebelumnya kak chik bgitau aku nm aku DUA KALI naek kat notice board..
apa ke BODO la dorang ni..
saman tu ON DA SPOT ak pg settle, cam ner blh tak jelas plak...
malam tu mmg aku mgamuk GILER sbb tak psl2 nma aku msk dalam REKOD...
pok guard BODO..
seriously, klu KILLING PEOPLE tuh tak salah, dh lama aku bom podok pngawal tuh..hahahah...
tp itu semua hnya mimpi...
so, lepas aku g SLOW TALK ngan pokguard dpn tuh and bgtau everythim, dia srh aku pg ht HEP plak utk cnfrmkan...
ak pom pglah menurut printah...
sesampainya ak disana, naek plak drh aku tp trpaksa jd HIPOKRIT dgn memaniskan muka..
senyumlah aku kt pgawai kt sana yg MASAM bgai asam gelugur tuh...
dia pom ckplah mcm2 kat aku tp aku just snyum jer..
dia ckp nm aku dh masuk rekod...
dh la sem ni ak mntk JPA SCHOLARSHIP...
tak tau la apa nk jd pas ni...
aku berdoa bnyk2 moga2 apa yang jd tak mnjadi hlngn utk ak dp scholarship tuh...
lps settle everythim, dlm kul 09:30AM barulah ktorang brtolak ke dstinasi yg ign dituju..
ak pg sana sbb ak dh wat APPOINTMENT ngan kak ipr ksayangan aku..(chewah)
tp dia dh call and bgtau dlm kul 11 dia ad tklimat so, klu ak smpai lwt, meaning aku kne tggu...
tak kesah la..asl kerja ak kat sana selesai..har2
mmg spt dijangka, ktorang mmg smpai lwt and kena la tggu dia for 30 minutes..
naek mgantuk aku tp overall...
everythim TURN OUT WELL..
tq sist so much and tak lupa pd family ZATI sbb bg ktorang bukak pose kt umh dorang and mkn sdp2..hehhe...